Tuesday, September 30, 2008

List of Ideas

Trying to come up with a list of ideas was not easy considering things that have already been done. Also trying to connect with people that don't normally give and to be able to persuade them to start practicing generosity did not come easily. I had to start thinking big. Gandhi and Mother Theresa big. So my ideas were quite absurd but I didn't want to filter. So here it is:

-A coffee cup campaign that takes pictures from downloads on an installed application on normal people desktops.
-An interactive notebook that can be carried in the pocket to record emotional responses to bad situations.
-A exhibit where a bucket of needles are used to quantify the problem
-A exhibit where it puts the audience in the place of the underprivileged
-A Documentary on poverty and needs.
-A book of Quotes
-A Campaign utilizing the bandwagon effect so you feel part of something (eg. live strong, nike human race, civic nation..) maybe join the FIGHT for humanity. A war against human atrocity.
-A document on people of Low income that contribute to charities though they have nothing (eliminating the excuse of no time/money for middle and upper income societies)
-A GIANT list of atrocities in the world. 
-A giant globe coloured to represent different atrocities
-A free magazine show casing different causes every month that is publicly distributed
-A website that you can upload cellphone photos to on atrocities around the world.
-A conceptual approach on how people in developing countries have to pick lesser of two evils to survive (ie. sweatshops/ricefields) and how to help.
-A map quantifying the density of wealth. (making the rich feel small in relation to the rest of the world)
-A touchscreen exhibit on a busy street corner (ie. robson) that is big. interacting with google earth and its causes filter to bring up giant pictures of causes around the globe and can be continually changing.
-A bus stop that has a projection of people in another country fighting for survival or the burning of the forests etc...

... these are my preliminary ideas since last week. I'll be posting more tonight and probably tomorrow. So far I'm fond of the interactive display window with google earth and images. If this is a possibility I have talked to a friend who can get me touch film and can also talk to unicef or redcross to use a big window and google earth to see if i can collaborate to make the project happen for real. I think the scale of the images and the shock value of different causes combined with the changing content would make this exhibition last a while and stop people on the streets at least to get them to think about charities.

1 comment:

Free Agency Creative said...


I think we made some real progress with your project in our meeting last week. When can we expect to start seeing some of this clarity on the blog??

