Thursday, September 18, 2008

Practice generosity

From the meeting with Don and research I have done I have concluded that there is a term that overarches all the motivations for giving and that is behaviour. Through some of the studies conducted that much of the people that DO give are practicing giving in one form or another. Churches expect you to give on a regular occasion, mothers and fathers give to their children, some people tip, some people, invest in social charities but what they all have in common is that people who donate practice giving.

This brings me to a new problem. How do you get someone that has never given to practice giving? some ideas right off the top of my head initially are immersing someone in that practice. giving them the opportunity to give. or having it pointed out to them. Setting up a soup kitchen so that people can share in the experience.

The other word of the day is also SHARING not just what you're taught when you were young but BEING AWARE that you are giving something you have invested time or money into. Charities sometimes, some say, are a bit degrading because it is said that it lowers the persons self-esteem or belittles the receiver, whereas sharing puts you on the status. It may be a difference in semantics but it is of important due to the exposure one receives from sharing the experience and being able to empathize also increasing the investment of the charity.

Any ideas on how to make people START practicing the action of giving would be appreciated.

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