Sunday, September 21, 2008

what to do?

So i've decided to put my efforts into creating something that will encourage people to practice generosity but what is this form? It needs to catch the attention of those that would not normally give and cause them to start giving.

The triggers seem to be hard to isolate. Imagery that seems compelling seems to get some people while others may not be swayed by images. It seems that this will probably be a two part problem.

1. engaging the audience somehow
2. encouraging the practice of generosity

by achieving these two things i believe i will have fulfilled the requirements that were outlined by my proposal.

Initial visual research that seems to spark generosity are images that are more shocking (9-11) world trade center bombings, developing country poverty, natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Is this what is needed to push people over the edge? does it really have to be this gruesome? seems quite sad.


jaime said...

hi craig!

thank you for feedback on my blog i didn't notice it until now. i really like the idea of asking controversial questions to fellow native artists. i'm going to ask some first nations ecu students tomorrow for their contact info so i can keep it within ecu and my peers rather than the famous native art stars. haha but then i'm discriminating lol j/k


ECU DESN410 said...

hi Craig,

after reading your last 3 posts I really think that you need to take a moment to step outside of the words "Charity" and "Official" organizations. Start thinking of analogies and metaphors that relate to the narrative of your project. For example, Don and you spoke about people who give money to the Church because they are actively practicing individuals. I would encourage you to further analyze this area.