Monday, September 8, 2008

Grad Project - Why we give

This is my first post for my grad project which already seems daunting yet exciting because should I arrive at a suitable solution the implications could be vast and may benefit the community around me. I have decided to work on the effectiveness of charity organizations and their approach to the audience. There seems to be a disparateness between the cause and the audience with the charity facilitating the aid. I believe that the audience is not being effectively targeted due to the lack of understanding in 'why we give'. I have begun research and the following seems to be a partial factor: 

feeling good about oneself

I have purchased a voice recorder and am conducting primary and secondary research on theories on charity and empathy currently.

any feedback would be appreciated! Oh and there's my POLL to the SIDE tell me what you think! >>>>>

1 comment:

jaime said...

i have to get a voice recorder too, great idea.